I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen my mom measure anything in the kitchen, but everything none the less always seem to turn out perfect. I was the youngest of a large family and cooking was never on my chores list. When I went to college I quickly learnt that no one was coming to prepare my meals and if I were going to eat I simply had to learn how to cook in order to survive, well at least the very basics.
I have no formal training except in The Art of Chocolate, simply the love of food and a keen eye for creativity. Cooking sooths me and gives me time to think without having to compartmentalize. I’ve watched her harvest & shuck peas, pluck limes off the trees, chop bananas off the branch with a machete, pluck okras from the ground, you name it we grew it.
I often think of my mom and in the most comforting way she comes to me and works through me by allowing me to express myself through her one of the most expressive ways is in the kitchen and through the love of food and sharing it with friends.